Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Writing is fun yet enjoyable. No matter if its is on a piece of paper,own your own blog or even zine,it is still a thing that some people enjoy to do it although their grammar are a it messed up [even i encounter this problem but I dont bother much about it. i keep on writing even misery is behind me.ha69]

Write and read. I love both of it. Reading keeps me awake in this misey world. Writing is something that i want to share with other epople on what i was thinking about. Even you dont have a blog or a zine,you still can write at your facebook. Stop thinking about others that would play around with your writing,its their choice and you have choose your choice. So,keep on writing. People would say that you 'jambu' or other fucking lame words if you write something with all your heart. Let me tell you,they want to do the same but the afraid of other possibilities that may occurs during their writing are published or viewed by others. Hey,what goes around comes around. So bear it in your mind if you want to start to write or give your 'point of view' on others writing,

Im here just to encourage you who read this to keep on writing. I'll always on your back. For those who just have a thought in your mind to brag about this or criticize about others writing,go on. I didn't care bout you.

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