Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Manusia Berhijab
Sedih melihat mereka yg berhijab tapi tidak sempurna. Tapi mata syaitan ini terhibur juga kadang-kadang.
Ambang 12-12-2012
Hujan baru berhenti.
Aku berlenangan di depan PC,
Menaip bait-bait yang terlintas di minda.
Bahawasanya ia tidak merbahaya selagi tidak diproses.
Dan siang sudah berganti malam,
Aku harap mimpi malamku ini seindah bunga sakura yang mekar,
Atau apapun yang indah agar aku berhenti memikirkan sebentar fana tak utuh ini.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Kratom City Hardcore presents : A Benefit Show for Tools of the Trade [TOTT]
Then,Angkara continue distorting the atmosphere. Rizal,the frontman of Angkara or better known as Mat Rembat and have a fastcore/thrashcore band named,Chenta Tiada Restu long time ago when he was in his teenager days.[Haha.] Mantia fast dbeat drumming was truely a killer and you can see how he improved himself time over time and like usual when you ask him how he can hit the drum so good,he just said 'practice'. Fuck! A word that sometimes oftenly used but rarely done. Owh,i forgot to mention about Iedan, Iedan is the bassist for Angkara and he is the youngest among the line-up. Actually,he at the rhythm but changed to bass when their line-up quit from the band. Why im babbling about Angkara? Because to fill the empty space-lah! Haha.
Last but not least after Angkara played,it was Tools of the Trade turns. They played songs from their new release that is Defy and some old songs. I've heard their name too many times but never watch them live on stage and they prove me their showmanship was among the best i've ever seen. Ian's head was a little heavy to the right when blasting and with his duckface while blasting,it was hilarous for a band that played brutal grindcore. I also see that Ian's gf was high with kratom. They say,she never drink any beer but drink kratom at that night. Wasted is the right word for her. Haha. Other two of the line-up i can't find any different between both of them or i confused myself? I dont know but from what i've see,one boy is a good boy and another boy is a naughty boy. Haha. One of them eat a lot at Lebai and when see at his size,it seems like logic. Yeah,big man with big appetite.
Ok,thats all what i can review about the 1st Kratom City Hardcore event. Stay up for the upcoming show weyh...
From SP to BP with love and KRATOM!

The journey from bus station to The Wall didnt take too long because it is quite near. We took a bath at The Wall while leave our luggage and crash the roadside stall to eat. After the eating and greet session,we hit to The Wall back and see a lot of the kids sweeping the floor and tidy up the place because the show start at 2pm. The were also making tag for the band and bought some beer with 'special friend'. I think,the OD moment was hilarious when Adam & Kirin was stoned as fuck and they were very lazy to move.haha
The opening act was Facedown. A old-school hardcore band from BP. Then it was turn for Channeling Mahatma. A math stuff from BP too. By the way,after that I lost track about bands who play. Maybe because of the kratom,maybe... Other band that play in the gig is Rahasia,Throw-Ma,Urughai,Tolak Kok,Diskangkung,Posmen Karat,Perek Kasi Gerek and Unadulterated Parasite. While Diskangkung performed,i was with my towel and hit the shower because after that we went to skatepark for BBQ session. I dont play anything. Just sit quitely and snapped some picture. We hit The Wall back at 2am if im not mistaken. I rarely see the time because it was too fun to let the time kill the moment.
On the very peaceful Sunday morning,i woke up and see many people are still snoring around me. I went to the toilet to wash my face and brush my teeth. Then follow Zul and the other to Pasar Karat that was closed because we are late. We move our path to the food court near the bus station and filled our tummy with food. After few burping moment,we take a walk to a complex near the bus station and then went to Lostman [a lodging house] for some chit chat. While waiting for the girls bath,i was already damn sleepy. I went to the Wall back with Zul and sleep while watching Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.
We head back to SP at 9pm. Zul,Apai,Zuri and others sent us to the bus station. We hug each other and take the bus. I felt very sad because already to leave BP but have fun and sweet memories as well. [Sweet? Owh,FUCK!] We arrived SP at 7am and head to our house.
Akal & Perasaan
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Luahan Minda.
Diwaktu kelam malam,
Dilitupi gerimis sebelum bermimpi,
Dan aku bersama satu koneksi ke alam maya menulis tahi.
Bersama minda masai dengan bahasa pasar,
Aku harungi liku malam ini yang tidak lagi sama seperti semalam,
Dengan waktu yang kebiasaan tapi hari yang berlainan,
Aku berkata tentang waktu.
Empat rangkap kemusnahan bahasa,
Aku isikan dengan penuh bersahaja,
Sambil ditemani nota-nota,
Menunggu hari esok untuk diluah semua.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Terlalu Selesa,Malas Berfikir Mungkin
Rakyat Malaysia sudah terlalu selesa dengan keadaan sekarang. Mereka dijangkiti penyakit neophobia. Aku tidak kata UMNO baik ataupun PKR bagus. Aku kata bahawa UMNO sudah terlalu lama mentadbir Malaysia dengan acuan warisan turun temurun. Mari kita merubah landskap pemikiran kita ini. Sudah 54 tahun kita merdeka dan apa yg terbentang didepan kita inilah hasilnya. Cuba beri kepada parti lain pula. Beri masa yang sama atau setidak-tidaknya 50tahun dan lihat apa yang berlaku. Aku cuma inginkan pembaharuan.
Jikalau apa aku tuliskan ini tahi,siapakah gerangan yang membuat kacau pada Perhimpunan Hijau di Padang Kota Lama,Pulau Pinang? India-Muslim dan seperti kita tahu,Pulau Pinang ramai dengan golongan tersebut dan kebiasaannya mereka digelar mamak. Aku mendapat berita bahawa mereka diupah oleh UMNO. Jika mamak-mamak ini diupah,bagaimana pula dengan pakcik SB yang bertindak ganas dihadapan Balai Polis ketika Adam Adli membuat laporan? Aku juga mendapat tahu bahawa dia juga diupah. Jika maruah Melayu yang supremasis ini punyai nilai,Melayu itu sendiri juga boleh didagangkan sebagai barangan kah?
Jika dilihat semula dan dikaji,kita sudah banyak didoktrinisasi oleh kerajaan. Lihat sahaja sekarang didalam kaca televisyen,iklan pakcik misai kontot giat diutarakan. Jika ia menyuruh rakyat menggunakan/membeli barangan-barangan buatan Malaysia atau barangan daripada kedai 1Malaysia,Perdana Menteri kita menggunakan BlackBerry bukan?
Friday, January 27, 2012
Manusia Bendul
Jasad ini sudah sakit ditambah pula kesakitan pada roh.
Aku hidup di dunia ini tidak lama.
Dunia,kau sangat kejam dengan realiti.
Tuhan kau memperlihatkan perkara yang aku kadang-kadang tak menyangka ia akan berlaku disekeliling aku.
Aku akui aku bendul.
Terlalu lurus. Terlalu jujur. Terlalu bodoh.
Asyik diperbodohkan. Jiwa raga mainan manusia lain. Mungkin ini sesuatu sifat yang Allah SWT bagi kepada aku. Sifat yang tidak semua orang punyai. Mungkin juga cara didikan ibubapa aku yang menjadikan aku sebegini. Aku tak salahkan siapa. Ini mungkin dapat membentuk sifat yang lain. Terima kasih manusia sekeliling aku,anda guru yang hebat. Tidak lupa juga kepada pengalaman. Anda teman yang setia. Aku masih belajar. Tolong bukakan laluan kepada aku.