Friday, December 30, 2011

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Awek Tudung Belit

Aku bukan gatal tapi tiba-tiba perasaan suka itu datang menyinggah untuk aku kerap berfikir mengenai awek tudung belit yang sebaris dengan aku ketika seminar pada Ahad lalu. Hari ini,dia pakai seluar khakis dengan tali pinggang kulit kecil berserta kemeja berbunga dan seperti biasa,tudung belit. Sexisme? Bukan cuma kecintaan terhadap kecantikan sahaja. *Aku rasa

Atas nama apa? #1

melayu aku menunding jari sesama sendiri,
mencaci dan mengherdik.
ini politikal basi,
politikal penuh korupsi.

Friday, September 9, 2011


Hujan yang turun ni aku harap tak membunuh anak-anak kucing liar yang baru lahir area rumah aku dan kawasan lain. Sayu la bila tengok natang mati. Tuhan dah bagi perasaan simpati ni,guna jalah. Jangan buat kental untuk melawan!

#bukan tak nak bagi depa makan tapi mak aku tak bagi. Kang berak,sapa pun tak nak cuci. *betol jugak.

Friday, August 5, 2011

somethings that is still isnt there

im not getting taller but im getting older
times fly so fast
try to hold your breath for a while
how long you can live without oxygen?
just a couple of minutes am i right?

we breathe,we talk,we laugh,we play
and we do other things until the day we die
do we happy on how we live now?
do you happy on what are you doing now?
do you enjoy with your life?

im not asking you to be ungrateful but i just asking you some question
what are the real things that we look in our life?

Monday, August 1, 2011

CC 203 - Concrete Technology

The Development of Concrete Technology in Malaysia.
When we talk about concrete,what was in our mind? The giants pillars of Penang Bridge or the not so good MRR2 highway that have multiple of fracture because of corruption? *nobody knows about that for sure. For your information,concrete is a composite construction material, composed of cement (commonly Portland cement) and other cementitious materials such as fly ash and slag cement, aggregate (generally a coarse aggregate made of gravel or crushed rocks such as limestone, or granite, plus a fine aggregate such as sand), water and chemical admixtures. The word concrete comes from the Latin word "concretus" if I not mistaken. The meaning for the word is compact or condensed.
In Malaysia,concrete technologist done a lot of research to faces all the challenges that is possible to occurs and durable with the weather in Malaysia. For what I know,the mixure of water,cement,sand and aggregate must appropriate to ensure the sustainability and sustainable of the concrete itself. When the mixture,are lack of the ingredients,the concrete will lose it nature thus fracture may occur. In Malaysia,they have find a way in making the ordinary concrete smart and dynamic the BASF way. With this,the concrete will be more stable and pumpable to accelerate the pace of construction,high flowability for complex concrete structures and elements,higher durability specifications to extend the service life of the structure and wide adaptabilityof raw materials reduce pressure on the quality control of concrete production. In 10th Malaysia Plan,5percent of the new road are in concrete because it last longer than asphalt and bitumen.
Works Minister Datuk Shaziman Abu Mansor said the concrete roads would replace asphalt or bituminous roads which cost more as they depended on current oil prices.“Concrete surface have better content component value and cheaper to maintain. From the safety aspect, concrete roads are much brighter and safer in low-lit areas,” he told reporters after opening the Public Works Department (PWD) Senior officers’ Meeting here Monday.

He said that the PWD had proposed to the National Action Council on the need to allow companies awarded tenders for major projects to resubmit proposals on innovative method of construction without affecting the functions of buildings.

“This will benefit the government as well as the contractors. At the moment there are many new construction technologies at our disposal. We cannot be too rigid in building construction as it does not give leeway to contractors to be innovative and creative and provide feedbacks to the government,” he said.Shaziman said the feedbacks could help reduce the cost of building materials, machines, systems and services without affecting the specifications, construction period and the original function of the concrete roads projects. On staff relocation, he said the PWD should relocate staff whether they were architects, engineers or quantity surveyors based on their technical expertise and educational background. Shaziman said he proposed that senior officers to be appointed as enforcement superintendents of high-profile projects under the 10MP.“We have capable concrete roads experts. Ironically when they get promoted, they do managerial works but under the 10MP they will be entrusted with high-profile projects. When Malaysia government save more,the excessive of money maybe goes to the society but who knows?

*nukilan aku untuk disubmit tak lama dulu.hahaha

Friday, July 8, 2011


Dibelakang aku adalah sebilangan besar keegoan picisan yang aku sudah tinggalkan.
Aku simpan sedikit kerana merasakan perlu pada suatu waktu.
Aku harap,ia tidak berlebihan.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

SKMM tak bagi buka Wikipedia dah?

SKMM Akan Halang Akses ke Laman WIKIPEDIA Kelak. WTF!
cmna aku nak kenal para falsafah-falsafah terkenal? para cendakiawan yang makin dilupai dan sasterawan?
Malaysia Boleh,1malaysia,Hidup BN!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Monday, May 9, 2011


Realiti bukan tentang program realiti tv ya para pembaca tetapi ada kena mengena dengan tv. Realiti adalah hakikat atau kenyataan jika kita merujuk kepada kamus. Kenapa aku mahu kaitkan dengan tv? Ini kerana,tv menyiarkn program atau rancangan kepada penonton. Rata-rata penonton terdiri daripada kanak-kanak sehinggalah orang tua tetapi impakyang paling besar adalah kepada kanak-kanak sehinggalah remaja.

Contoh yang aku lihat pada anak gadis sekarang ialah mereka cenderung untuk berimaginasi dan mahu hidup dalam imaginasi mereka. Seperti mahu jadi selebriti,mahu dikenali,mahu itu mahu ini. Kadangkala,mereka hampir lupa dengan kesengsaraan yang dihadapi oleh ibubapa mereka dalam membesarkn mereka dan adik beradik yang lain. Lupa tentang erti kepayahan ibubapa mereka dalam mencari wang dan memenuhi kehendak mereka. Ada ibubapa yang sanggup berhempas pulas demi menurut kehendak anak perempuan mereka. Bagi aku,itu sudah melampau. Ibubapa mereka terlalu sayangkn mereka sehingga sanggup melakukan sedemikian demi anak yang tercinta walhal anak mereka memperagakan barangan-barangan tersebut kepada kawan-kawan mereka untuk popular di mata kelompok kawan-kawan mereka. Ini yang dikatakan MATERIALISTIK.

Rancangan itu menjadikan mereka sedemikian tetapi aku rasa dengan didikan yang betul daripada ibubapa mereka,hal ini boleh dielakkan. Mereka yang mahukan semuanya adalah seorang yang masih kebudak-budakan. Masih tidak sedar akan realiti dunia kini dan masih tidak mahu berhenti berminpi. Dengan memiliki semuanya,adakah dia akan terus bahagia? Dengan menjadi apa yang dia ingin jadi,adakah dia akan bahagia selamanya?

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

emotion distort

many things comes and goes in my life. i get many friends through past year. i didnt care whether the person is a thief or other,i still respect him/her as humans. same goes to the girls that i knew all these years. some are happy when with me and some are annoyed with what im doing. they come and go very easily. some of them just find me as a medium to express themself on what their had on their life ,find me as a problem solver,refer to me when shit happens. i just help without complaining due to a princple that i had,that is 'i never know when i'll be in trouble'. helping them actually helping me to go through my bad days too. whenever i think my life are collapse,i always look at the bright side. there are more people struggling to live their life everyday and some only had a little bit of time to live and some just choose suicide when encounter a terrified problems. i grown up as a low immunity system kid. i catch cold easily,flu almost everytime and much more. i dont have a tonnes of friends,i dont play with someone's heart,it just not me to go through shit that i really didnt feel the right things to do. the purpose of writing this junk also not in my mind. my finger just type every single word that cross my mind. i never achieve something great in my life. my grades are average,my life is simple. last year i start a distro. it is still nameless and have no logo or graphic. i think,it just the matter if time for me to doing it.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

It is true!

Big business and the government are both the fucking same. Both shit upon freedom,peace and equality. - Anti Product

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Agama X Bangsa

apabila agama diperkotak katikkan,yang menganutnya hanya berdiam diri
walhal,apabila bangsa diperlekeh,ada yang darahnya menderu
agama yg suci bukan bangsa

Monday, March 28, 2011


aku paling tidak suka rasa bersalah terhadap tuhan aku dan tidak melakukan apa-apa untuk berubah.
taubat yang sementara dan kemudian melakukan semula.
aku akui bahawa aku hanya manusia yang tidak dapat lari dari melakukan kesilapan,
tetapi kalo kesilapan yang sama terus diulang,
aku khuatir apa yang akan terjadi.
sekian luahan hati dan eksperisi diri kali ini.

*label lah aku sebagai moralist bila bercakap tetang agama.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


crying for sanity from the poise of vigorous in every humans mind
developing spiritual calmness in every milimetre of the brain cell
cleaning all the unwanted influences in every litre of blood
reinventing the humanity in the soul of the living creature named,human


i saw a his in her
i saw a her in his
they are humans with thought
they have their own mind
they argue and smile together
regarding other
rumours are just a motherfucker for her
and cumshot as fuck for him
do they bother bout the other?

Friday, February 18, 2011


menyusuri pekan bersama rakan dalam keheningan malam.
menghirup udara pembangunan yg menyesakkan.
mengenal apa itu erti kehidupan berdasarkan pengalaman dan pemerhatian.
terduduk akibat kemelesetan.
terjaga dari doktrinasi yg membingungkn.
tertinggal oleh arus permodenan.
berbekalkan baki tenaga.
berpusarkan keterjagaan minda.
bertunjangkan intelektualiti.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

mutiara kata teman

dunia ini terlalu laju,cari sesuatu utk perlahankn sedikit - Salleh

Saturday, January 29, 2011


Tadi,time aku pergi beli laksa dgn mee rebus dekat belakang umah aku,aku ternampak satu family yang mungkin baru mendirikan rumah tangga di kedai makan itu.[yea la kot sebab aku tgk bawak anak sorang dengan naik moto. muka pun muda lagi laki bini tu.] Tiba-tiba,aku teringat dulu zaman bapak aku keja. Keja dahla makan gaji,kena pecat dengan notis 24jam atas alasan yg tak kukuh. Ala,malas cerita panjang tentang tu. Aku teringat time dia baru buka syarikat dia sendiri. Syarikat hasil titik peluh dia. Jenuh bergolok gadai jugak la cerita dia. [Dulu aku ingat senang sebab tengok dlm tv macam senang] Aku pergi sekolah pun bawa 50sen. Cukuplah takat nak makan alas perut. Budak-budak sekarang,busuk-busuk rm2. itu baru sekolah rendah,kalo menengah dah rm5. Ini dekat kedah,dekat tempat lain tak tau lah.

Kadang-kadang aku pun susah juga,poket kering.hahahah

Ya,perkara ini semua orang lalu. Sampai ada yang lalui hari-hari dek tiada bajet dalam perbelanjaan. Biasalah,manusia. Tidak pernah dapat lari dari melakukan kesalahan. Bagi aku biasa lah,pengalaman yang akan mematangkn kita [walaupun jiwa kita tak matang :P].

im sorry dude,i just dont get it...

why a lot of nowdays kids claimed that metalcore/deathcore is a 'jahat' songs compare to blackmetal/grind and others harsh genre? and some of them beings such a 'true' metalcore follower but when asked about who is the pioneer of metalcore or where do music comes from,they keep avoiding to answer the question. i dont know about this and thats why i ask them but they didnt give me the answer. we all start from poseur but over the top is FUCK. yeah,i know that this already become a trend but can you just shut up and dont brag about it? another things that i hate the most is when i attend a gig,there will be packed with kids when there is metalcore/deathcore band performing. when other genre was on stage,only a bunch of kids that support them rather being the other bunch of kids that seat at the back of the room. why this happens? because other music such as punk rock 'tak masuk kepala'?

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Review that may put in Shock&Awe zine

This is a review about a jamm session that was organized by Nincompoops Kids. Nincompoops Kids is a bunch of DIY hc/punk kids that look foward to organizing something for the scene. ‘There is no seniority in the scene,it just respect’. A very catchy phrase that are widely use but is exist in my scene and i as a kid,just play dumb about it. It not cause a great impact on me but for other people in the scene,i don’t know. Whoah,what im babbling about?ha69. lets start with the review now,shall we?

Ghosak was the opening band. Ghosak is a fast and loud band that have two vocals,a single-handed drummer and only one dude that strum those 6 strings. [notes: the drummer’s left hand are paralyse due to an accident that damaged his nerves.] The crowd are following the rhythm and start to rage all the people in the room. Although the place was small,you can still see the mosh pit and the circle pit. There was a time when a boy jumped from the back of his friend to the crowd. Luckily,there is somebody to grab him. Unfortunately for Pdoih,he climbed the amplifier and jump to the crowd but no one grab him. Poor Pdoih.hahaha

Then,Perek Kasi Gerek was the one to hit the stage. PKG is a band that playing hc/punk with a twist of comedy in their songs. This band never missed to play at their own place yet. They are dong a great job to keep the scene alive and their band active dispute all their line-up is still a student . PKG done a cover of song in a skinhead band. All those skindhead and all the people who knew the song,sings along. Next,it was The Shout [ a SHARP band from Perda] takes turn to raging the stage. It was quite a havoc when their crowd are starting pumped up. You know right ,how violent is those bald boys when ‘dancing’ with their favourite songs? Its the ‘tunggang terbalik’ time!

After The Shout,its the time for slaughtering to take place. The first grind band to play is Haqh Tuih Haha. They play porno gore grind and their vocal really like to hit his head with microphone. They have released a demo this year but only release on their circle of friend. A good effort in promoting the band and i hope this band will go far and beyond. The second and the last grind band to play was Unadultered Parasites. UP play oldschool grindcore if i was not mistaken and the did a cover of a Sakatat song. The crowd really enjoyed the songs and act vigorously in that sardine-packed room. I can see very clearly that when those grind band play,the crowd became lunatics nad starting to rumble. Its something that i called “grind rush” not ‘gold rush’. The energy that comes out from both band are humongous with those hyper-tune gravity blast and squealing voices along with growling satan voice.

So thats it for my review for Nincompoops Kids Make Jamm Session. Do send your feedback because this is the first time this thing and thanks to Yuen for giving me this opportunity :D